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Vaughn Harris Art
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One of Vaughn's earlier pieces she is wrapped in a blanket of green, pink and off white blanket with crosses. This is one of his favorite pieces and in his private collection.

This image reflects hot orange, yellows and reds cooled by green and gold. She remains warm and soft in her bright energy and surrounded by sun spots that radiate from her meditative spirit.

This piece is in a private collection in Chico California. She is strikingly a traditional design with a contemporary edge. Her full face and lips, and close eyes present a humble prayer and introspective. Her colors are traditional turquoise, red, black and off white. Feathers and hearts are set off by a pueblo ying/yang type design.

This is a most energetic piece. La Curandera (the healer) radiates from within and she leaves no doubt of her power for healing. She is a duality of energy that is ever so balanced as reflected in her calm face. Her hair or shawl drapes around her reminding us of her peaceful and subdued nature as if to say, "Just because I am quiet does not mean I am not powerful!"

This is a close up of an early piece when Vaughn began opening their eyes. When eyes are first open, they find the brightness overwhelming and it is seen here as her eyes are taking in and giving out to the world the love from within self. Her irises are in the shape of hearts, the source of her vision.

Owned by Margarita Ortega Y Gomez, this is a youthful expression of a light hearted and spirited Guadalupana. The flowers reflect a 60's era of love, innocence, peace and groovy.

These three pieces were selected and placed at the entrance of the South Broadway Cultural Center for Dia de la Virgin de Guadalupe, a yearly celebration in Albuquerque when after a dedicated Catholic mass is followed by parishioners, visitors and Azteca dancers from distant communities hold a yearly procession from church to homes celebrating their deep commitment to the the Virgin de Guadalupe.

Again a close up of the intensity of opening one's eyes as Vaughn explores further with texture, design and color.

Though this wall changes over time, Vaughn hangs pieces from various stages in his painting. Vaughn usually works on a series of paintings, depending on size, from three to six at a time over several weeks. His works are progressions, building upon those he recently completed and he rarely goes back to a previous style, though he does like to sit with and gaze at earlier pieces -as they are as amazing as his current works.